Sylvie Raver, PhD

Director, Milken Institute Center for Strategic Philanthropy

Sylvie Raver, PhD


Sylvie Raver is a director at the Milken Institute Center for Strategic Philanthropy. She applies her expertise in neuroscience, mental health, and the biomedical research enterprise to identify opportunities where philanthropic investments can have a transformative impact on medical research and health. In her role, Dr. Raver provides analysis and guidance to individual philanthropists, families, and foundations and implements strategies to deploy philanthropic capital to advance research and health priorities.

Dr. Raver leads scientific program strategy and management for the Misophonia Research Fund, a partnership between the Center for Strategic Philanthropy and The REAM Foundation. She works across and beyond the misophonia research community to guide philanthropic investment in misophonia research and align the programmatic activities of the Misophonia Research Fund with the field’s needs. From 2021-2022, Dr. Raver facilitated the development and publication of a consensus definition for misophonia, which serves as a critical step to bring cohesion to the growing field of researchers and clinicians seeking to better understand and support individuals experiencing misophonia.

Previously, Dr. Raver worked for the Society for Neuroscience and led the society's global programming and policy efforts around neuroscience training. She received her bachelor’s degree from Lafayette College and doctorate from the University of Maryland School of Medicine and conducted her postdoctoral training at the National Institute on Aging.

Notable Published Works

A Consensus Definition of Misophonia: Using a Delphi Process [March 2022] by Susan Swedo, David M. Baguley, Damiaan Denys, Laura J. Dixon, Mercede Erfanian, Alessandra Fioretti, Pawel J. Jastreboff, Sukhbinder Kumar, M. Zachary Rosenthal, Romke Rouw, Daniela Schiller, Julia Simner, Eric A. Storch, Steven Talylor, Kathy R. Vander Werff, and Sylvina M. Raver [Frontiers in Neuroscience]

Year In Review for Misophonia: Scientific Philanthropy’s Unique Ability to Advance a Field

Additional Resources

Dr. Raver’s website

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