Misophonia Student Research Grants
In order to promote further research on misophonia and misokinesia, soQuiet is offering student research grants to graduate students worldwide.
Grant: Up to $1500 for graduate students [Master or Doctor] at an accredited college or university to undertake compelling research on misophonia and misokinesia and potentially congruent sensory-based disorders that are yet to be named and recognized.
The Innovations/Kent Misophonia Neuroscience Student Research Grant
Graduate students seeking to undertake brain-based studies on possible neurological causes, mechanisms, and treatments for misophonia can apply to receive up to $5000 through this student research grant.
Meet the Students
Learn more about the students who have been awarded Misophonia Student Research Grants.
Who's eligible?
Students conducting graduate-level** research on misophonia, misokinesia, or congruent sensory-based disorders at an accredited college or university who have not previously been awarded a soQuiet Student Research Grant are eligible to apply.
Applicants must be enrolled and in good standing in a graduate program [Master or Doctor] at an accredited college or university.
Applicants must have had their proposals approved by a faculty advisor prior to application.
The proposed research may be in any area dealing with misophonia, misokinesia, or congruent sensory-based disorders. Research into possible causes and treatments for misophonia and misokinesia are of great interest to the soQuiet Scientific Advisory Team [SAT].
Applications for the Innovations/Kent Misophonia Neuroscience Grant of up to $5000 should describe research which addresses the potential causes, mechanisms, and treatments of misophonia which have a clear neurological basis.
Student research is expected to conclude by:
Submission of final study paper to a peer-reviewed publication, AND/OR
Presentation of the final study at an apt and notable conference, AND/OR
Approval of a thesis or dissertation by the student’s graduate committee
**We are also open to funding undergraduate studies. Email us with info!
Application Process
Applicants will need to complete the form below with the following information.
Outline of project; proposal of intended study and methods
Timeline: anticipated schedule of research project
Budget: planned expenses to be covered by grant and amount requested
Letter of recommendation [emailed to grants@soquiet.org]
Brief virtual interview with soQuiet Scientific Advisory Committee
We have two grant options:
“Conduction” grants for funding the actual research studies
“Dissemination” grants for sharing the results of those studies via publications and conferences.
We also recommend pre-registering your study with a research service such as AsPredicted or Center for Open Science [there are many others].
Applicants can also email all of this information to grants@soquiet.org instead of completing the online form on this page.
PLEASE NOTE: APPLICATIONS MUST follow the word count/length guidelines below. References and Citations are not counted towards the word counts. Applications that are longer than the following guidelines will be returned:
Dissemination grant: Not more than 1000 words. Explain goals, research approach briefly and main findings of the study. Describe dissemination path and future goals of this dissemination. Excluding References.
Regular grant: Not more than 2000 words. Background, Significance and Aims of the study (500 words); Research Approach (1000 words); Expected Outcomes and Dissemination plan (500 words), excluding References.
Neuroscience research grant: Not more than 3000 words. Background, Significance and Aims of the study (500 words); Research Approach (2000 words); Expected Outcomes and Dissemination plan (500 words), excluding References.
What is Covered by the Grants?
Grant funds are meant to advance research into misophonia, misokinesia, and related sensory disorders.
Grants must be used to support expenses that are directly related to the proposed research, including participant fees, equipment and software, travel, computer time, submissions fees, etc.
Funds may not be used for tuition, capital expenses [necessary specialized equipment specific to the study might be acceptable], or personal expenses.
Unexpected expenses are…expected.
Questions? Email us at grants@soquiet.org. We are happy to help!
Answers to Questions:
At present, there isn’t one! We are accepting grant applications at all times.
Selection will be based on voting by the soQuiet Board of Directors and Scientific Advisory Committee based on the following criteria:
• Clarity of the proposed hypotheses and research methods
• Appropriateness and significance of the proposed research topic and procedures to advancing knowledge and understanding of misophonia and related disorders
• Feasibility and reasonableness of the proposed project budget and timeline
• Adequacy of letter[s]of recommendation and any preliminary citations or research, if present
• Likelihood of success by the student to carry out the research project with professionalism and transparency
At present, the misophonia student research grants are for graduate students [Master or Doctoral]. However, we do hope to offer research grants for undergraduate research soon. If you have an undergraduate misophonia or misokinesia research project that you need funding for, please contact us at grants@soquiet.org. We want to hear from you!
Of course not! If your study needs less than the full amount to cover research expenses, we are happy to provide any amount below the $1500 offered if your application is approved. If you can complete your research with, say, $200, please state that.
If you’d like to directly fund misophonia research, the soQuiet Student Research Grants initiative is a great way to do this! You can donate to soQuiet at our donation page or via our PayPal Giving Fund page. If you are making a donation of $1000 or more, please contact us at donate@soquiet.org.

Apply for a soQuiet Misophonia Student Research Grant
Applicants can also email all of this information to grants@soquiet.org instead of completing the online form on this page.