soQuiet Impact

2024 soQuiet Expenses

Each number is x100

Where Donations Go

This chart shows how soQuiet allocated donated funds lastyear. As a 501[c]3 tax-exempt nonprofit, soQuiet is completely funded by your donations and we think it’s important for everyone to know how that money is being used.

soQuiet has been awarded a 2024 Candid Platinum Seal of Transparency!

Again in 2024, soQuiet has received the highest award from GuideStar, the leading charity review site: The Candid 2024 Platinum Seal of Transparency.

soQuiet is a Top-Rated Nonprofit on GreatNonprofits!

soQuiet has received the Top-Rated Nonprofit Award for 2023 and 2022 from GreatNonprofits, a charity review site.

Thanks to our community for the gracious input and kind words!

soQuiet by the Numbers

What People Say About soQuiet:

I have been the executive director of several charities. You operate yours in the best possible way. You make every customer and donor feel like they are the only one.
— Paul, soQuiet Donor
Thanks for the invaluable work you’re doing.
— Nancy, person with misophonia
I decided to look up Misophonia cards and came to your website and received them. I can’t say how happy it made me to see exactly what I want and needed.
— Jett, Client Served
I went to the [peer] support group for the first time & I haven’t felt so seen in such a long time. Thank you so much for recommending this group to me. I’ll definitely be going more in the future.
— M.R., person with misophonia
[About the Misophonia Research Pool] Wanted to thank you so much again for this invaluable addition to our research.
— Stephen Rico, University of California, Irvine
Your website and support group has made me feel part of a community which I would like to thank you for. [...] I have never felt so understood. Please continue the amazing work you are doing!
— S.W., person with misophonia

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