Mercede Erfanian

Misophonia research fellow

Mercede Erfanian


Mercede Erfanian has a background in clinical psychology, affective and auditory cognitive neuroscience. Her research concerns understanding how different sounds affect the brain in normal listeners and patients with audiological conditions as well as misophonia.

At the moment, her research focus is specific to misophonia, hyperacusis, and tinnitus and their brain mechanisms, cognitive and emotional characteristics and co-morbidity with affective disorders. In 2015, she joined the International Misophonia Research Network (IMRN). In 2018, she joined an EU funded project (Soundscape Indices SSID) in the department of environmental design and engineering (IEDE) of UCL (Acoustic Group). This project was a collaboration between UCL IEDE and Ear Institute. Her research aims to achieve a ground-breaking development through the establishment of ‘soundscape indices’ (SSID), adequately reflecting levels of human comfort. This will provide the underpinning science for soundscape in the field of human sound/auditory perception.

Recently, she has joined Dr Hashir Aazh’s research Institute and Clinics as a research fellow to delve deeper into abnormalities observed in audiological conditions and misophonia. She has been invited to several media interviews to talk about her research such as BBC, Radio Talk, NPR A1, and many more.

Notable Published Works

A Consensus Definition of Misophonia: Using a Delphi Process [March 2022] by Susan Swedo, David M. Baguley, Damiaan Denys, Laura J. Dixon, Mercede Erfanian, Alessandra Fioretti, Pawel J. Jastreboff, Sukhbinder Kumar, M. Zachary Rosenthal, Romke Rouw, Daniela Schiller, Julia Simner, Eric A. Storch, Steven Talylor, Kathy R. Vander Werff, and Sylvina M. Raver [Frontiers in Neuroscience]

The motor basis for misophonia [May 2021] by Sukhbinder Kumar, Pradeep Dheerendra, Mercede Erfanian, Ester Benzaquén, William Sedley, Phillip E. Gander, Meher Lad, Doris E. Bamiou and Timothy D. Griffiths [Journal of Neuroscience]

A Large-Scale Study of Misophonia [May 2017] by Romke Rouw, and Mercede Erfanian [Journal of Clinical Psychology]

Additional Resources

Mercede Erfanian’s Google Scholar Page

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Listen to Mercede on an NPR 1A episode